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Pupil Attendance

Requests for leave of absence


If pupils are to reach their potential they need to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. Regular, uninterrupted school attendance is a key factor in helping pupils reach their potential. Every effort should always be made to avoid disruption to a pupil’s education.


Headteachers are only allowed to grant leave of absence from school in exceptional circumstances (defined as rare, significant, unavoidable and short).  Requests should be made using the Request for Leave of Absence form (available from the school website below or office) and must be submitted before any absence is taken. 


As a general guide, the following might be considered as ‘exceptional’:

  • Immediate family weddings, christenings or funerals;
  • Immediate family member returning home from Service Duty;
  • Occasions of religious observance;
  • Other situations where a ‘compassionate’ element is applicable.


Generally, the following cannot be considered ‘exceptional’:

  • Family holidays and breaks;
  • Parents’ profession or place of work making it difficult to align school and work holidays;
  • Educational visits arranged by family members during school time;
  • Family birthdays or other events;
  • Birthdays.


After applying for term time absence, parents/carers will be notified of the Headteacher’s decision as quickly as possible.  If the absence is not agreed, then it should not be taken.   For unauthorised absences such as these, the school will consider requesting that the relevant Local Authority issues a fixed penalty notice (FPN).  Fines are requested in line with the latest DfE requirements and thresholds.  Fines may be issued on a ‘per parent, per child’ basis: this means that schools may request a FPN based on the household which requested and/or took the holiday and for both parents.

We respectfully remind parents that they should only tell the school that their child is unwell when this is actually the case. 


If you need to request a morning, afternoon or more off, please complete the attached form and return to the school office.

Part of the Coastal Learning Partnership
