Please click here to see our school performance data and KS2 results on the DfE performance website.
Comparative National Curriculum Assessment Information at Key Stage 2 (SATs)
(No primary test or assessment data has been published for 2020, 2021 or 2022)
These tables show the percentage of Year 6 pupils within the school who achieved the various levels of attainment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics in 2023. Figures may not total 100 per cent because of rounding.
Year 6 end of year results 2023
(National comparisons in brackets)
* scored 100+ in Reading or Mathematics test or awarded EXS (expected standard) through teacher assessment of Writing
** scored 110+ in Reading or mathematics test or awarded GDS (greater depth) through teacher assessment of Writing
*** all children’s scores are added together and a mean score is calculated
**** the government has produced a formula which converts a child’s key stage 1 level into an expected scaled score at key stage 2. A positive value suggests better than expected average progress for the cohort over the four years of key stage 2.