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SEN & Disabilities

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs C O'Connor.  She can be contacted via the school office.  Please click on the links below for further information on SEN.


Our school’s vision is to enable our pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. In accordance with the school’s Mission Statement, the school will: 


  • provide an outstanding, personalised education 
  • ensure that each/every child achieves their full potential 

Oakdale Junior School provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils and recognises that some of the children will have Special Educational Needs and Disability sometime during their school careers.


Additional Special Educational Needs


If your child experiences difficulty in any area, the class teacher will firstly adjust the level of work set to match more closely his or her ability.  Longer term learning difficulties are managed on a full time basis by the SENCO, Mrs C O'Connor, who will liaise closely with the class teacher to identify the problem through diagnostic testing, classroom observations or consultation with external agencies and professionals if required.  A structured programme of regular classroom support will then be provided.


The school follows the SEND Code of Practice. The Code puts more emphasis on teaching, learning and achievements, rather than procedures.  It takes into consideration the government’s policy on inclusion and the need to work closely with outside agencies and parents/carers for the benefit of pupils with special needs. The school’s governing body has overall responsibility for ensuring that the Code is implemented , the SEN Governor, makes regular monitoring visits.


From September 2014, the SEN Code of Practice is organised into 2 levels of support:


School Support

The criteria for a child receiving School Support will be that despite receiving support in school, he or she:

  • continues to make little or no progress in specific areas;

  • continues working at levels substantially below that expected of pupils of a similar age;

  • continues to have significant difficulty in developing basic skills in English and Mathematics;

  • has emotional or learning difficulties which substantially and regularly interfere with the child’s own learning or that of the class group, despite having an individual behaviour management programme;

  • has sensory or physical needs and requires additional specialist equipment or regular visits and/or advice from a specialist service;

  • has ongoing communication or interaction difficulties that impede the development of social relationships and cause substantial barriers to learning; in some cases there are outside agencies involved. 


External support agencies may include:

  • Educational Psychologists

  • Community Paediatrician

  • School Nurse

  • Speech Therapists

  • Audiologists

  • Physiotherapists

  • Longspee Outreach

  • Montacute Outreach

  • Winchelsea Outreach

  • Occupational Therapists

  • Family Support Worker


Statutory Assessment

If a pupils SEN is thought to be significant, long-lasting and their needs are beyond those that can reasonably be met within the resources normally available, then the school may ask the LA Pupil and Parent Support Service to work with parents, school and other agencies to decide whether a statutory assessment should be made.  This process will require the school to provide evidence of a lack of progress despite significant extra individual help having been provided and sustained involvement from outside agencies.  As a result of this process, an Education, Health and Care Plan may be issued.  This outlines the Special Educational Needs required by the child.  All EHCP’s and Statements must be reviewed annually at a meeting involving parents, pupil, LA, the school and other outside professionals.


Provision Maps

If your child is on the Code of Practice, a provision map/s will be completed and discussed with you.

Provision maps are completed by the class teacher and SENCO and include specific targets for the individual child identifying what support will be in place to help to meet these. Targets are reviewed at least twice per year and progress towards targets will be shared with you by the class teacher.


Local Offer

You can access the BCP Council Local Offer by clicking here.

Part of the Coastal Learning Partnership
